Sure! Let's break down the concept of methylation and its impacts on health in a simple way.
Methylation is a biochemical process that happens in every cell of our body. It involves adding a small chemical group, called a methyl group (one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms - CH3), to DNA, proteins, and other molecules. Think of it like adding a tiny tag or label that can change how these molecules behave without changing their actual structure.
This process is super important for regulating how our genes work. Genes are segments of DNA that instruct cells on how to create proteins, which are essential for almost everything our body does. When a methyl group is added to a gene (usually at specific sites called CpG islands), it can turn the gene off or downregulate its activity. Conversely, removing methyl groups can turn genes on or upregulate them.
Now, imagine this delicate system of turning genes on and off is like a well-orchestrated symphony. When it's working perfectly, our body cells know exactly what to do and when to do it. But if something goes wrong with methylation, it can throw off the whole system and lead to various health problems.
1. Epigenetics and Development: Methylation is crucial during development. It helps cells become specialized (like brain cells, liver cells, etc.) by turning off genes that are not needed in those cells. Abnormal methylation patterns can lead to developmental disorders.
2. Cancer: One of the most well-studied areas is the role of methylation in cancer. If genes that suppress tumors (tumor suppressor genes) get incorrectly hypermethylated and turned off, it can lead to uncontrolled cell growth. On the flip side, if genes that promote cell division (oncogenes) lose their methyl groups and get turned on excessively, they can also contribute to cancer.
3. Mental Health: Abnormal methylation has been linked to several mental health conditions, including depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Changes in the methylation of genes that regulate neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit signals in the brain) can affect brain function and mood.
4. Ageing: Methylation patterns change as we age, which is why scientists sometimes refer to a person's "epigenetic age." Changes in these patterns can influence ageing processes and age-related diseases like Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease.
5. Nutrition and Environment: Diet and environmental factors can influence methylation. For example, nutrients like folate, B vitamins, and choline are necessary for proper methylation. Environmental toxins, stress, and lifestyle factors can also alter methylation patterns.
Methylation is involved in so many processes in our bodies at every moment of the day and is a major subject to consider.
So, although methylation is not presently much discussed, I hope you can see that it is something that we all need to think about. We must make sure that our methylation is at the best level it can be for our own particular unique genetic makeup to optimise our health.
A good read about selected genes and how they are affected by our nutrition and lifestyle, and how we can make changes to optimise our health is "Dirty Genes" by Dr. Ben Lynch. He is an expert on the subject.
In summary, methylation is a critical process that regulates gene expression and influences many aspects of our health. Disruptions in methylation can lead to a range of health issues, from developmental disorders to cancer and mental health conditions. Understanding and studying methylation is essential for developing strategies to prevent and treat these conditions.
Nutrigenomics, an emerging scientific discipline, is at the forefront of altering the way we perceive health, disease management, and our food choices.
What is Nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomics is the study of the impact of food and its constituents on genes and how individual genetic differences can affect the way we respond to nutrients in the foods we eat.
It significantly influences today’s nutritional practices -
Providing a deeper understanding of the human body's nutritional needs,
Showing us why some people need to take supplements, and
Showing us why we may not obtain every nutrient we need from food alone.
The basic premise of nutrigenomics is that our diet can impact how our genes behave, causing some to be turned on or off, up or down.
For example, certain nutrients may promote health and ward off disease by triggering specific gene behaviours while others may trigger adverse reactions.
This specialised discipline also highlights the complex interaction between our genes and the food we consume, which can vary from one individual to the other due to our unique genetic makeup.
Food alone does not always work
The need for supplements sometimes arises from this complex interaction. With the present diet patterns, lifestyle, and environment, it can be challenging to get the necessary nutrients from food alone.
Processed foods high in fats, sodium, and sugars but lacking in essential nutrients dominate our menus, leaving a substantial nutrient gap.
Even if we consume a balanced diet, factors such as soil depletion, food transportation, and storage may degrade food nutrient quality before it reaches our plates.
“One-size-fits-all” does not work
Moreover, the 'one-size-fits-all' approach to dietary requirements is becoming increasingly outdated. Our unique genetic code affects not just how we metabolise the foods we eat but also how we use the nutrients they provide.
It also affects our individual requirements for different nutrients. People with certain genetic variants may need specific nutrients at higher levels than can be provided through diet alone.
Nutrigenomics helps us understand these differences, emphasising the importance of personalised nutrition – the tailoring of diet and nutrient supplementation based on an individual's unique genetic makeup.
Looking at Vitamin D and the B complex
Take, for instance, Vitamin D. This essential vitamin is paramount for our immune health, bone health, and more. However, our ability to generate vitamin D after sun exposure can be influenced by our genes. Certain genetic variations may require us to obtain more Vitamin D than we can produce (from sun exposure) or consume through food, hence necessitating supplements.
Similarly, folate, a B vitamin found in green leafy vegetables, is essential to our DNA synthesis, repair, and methylation.
People with a particular genetic variant in the MTHFR genes may have a slower folate conversion rate into its active form, making them more likely to have higher homocysteine levels, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Such individuals may benefit from supplements specially designed to bypass the slowed conversion step.
Studies have shown that there are many disorders that can be supported by the use of supplements in the health protocol, as shown in the articles about Dr. Abram Hoffer and Niacin (Vitamin B3) as a therapy for those with arthritis, cardiovascular and some mental health disorders (1) and Dr. Frederick Klenner and Vitamin C for certain bacterial, and viral infections (2), to name a couple of instances.
Additionally, studies have shown that certain genetic variations can affect, amongst others, the absorption and use of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and E, further emphasizing the role of nutrigenomics in recognising the effects of genetic variations in our nutrient needs.
Nutrigenomics, therefore, equips us with insights into how the interaction between our genes and diet can affect our health, why we need on occasion to take supplements (some people more than others), and why we can't get everything we need from food alone.
It is a leap towards personalised nutrition, revolutionizing our approach to health and wellness.
Above all we need a balanced diet
It is important to remember, however, that supplements are not meant to replace a healthy diet but to complement it. Eating a balanced diet filled with a diversity of whole foods (organic if possible) and with a rainbow of colours, should always be our primary nutrition strategy, with supplementation guided by a healthcare professional where necessary.
Through Nutrigenomics, achieving optimal health by bridging the gap between our gene variants and nutrition is now possible.
Dr. Abram Hoffer and Niacin (Vitamin B3) as a therapy for those with arthritis, cardiovascular, and some mental health disorders -Niacin used as therapy by Dr Abram Hoffer
Genetic testing is a revolutionary tool that has drastically accelerated our understanding of human genetics. This approach has yielded immense benefits such as predicting an individual's susceptibility to specific diseases, determining genetic links to hereditary conditions, and even identifying genetic predispositions to certain traits and behaviors.
However, without proper interpretation, these data can be largely meaningless and even lead to unnecessary distress and confusion. This underscores why a good understanding of genetic test results is essential.
Genetic test results help Natural Health Practitioners
Firstly, armed with relevant information from genetic tests, natural health practitioners can tailor health strategies to an individual’s specific needs. Practitioners can recommend lifestyle changes or preventive measures based on genetic markers linked to certain health risks.
This personalized health and wellness approach offers a pro-active means to manage potential health threats, encouraging healthier lifestyle choices and early action to forestall the onset of conditions such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes.
How much do genes really affect your health?
It is important to remember that your genes provide a small amount of the picture. It is thought by many scientists that genes probably affect one's health by between 5 and 10%, and the rest can be affected/altered by a good life-style, diet, environment, and other factors (Epigenetics).
This shows that although it can be extremely helpful to have genetic testing done, it is important not to plan everything based purely on those results.
Aside from disease prevention, genetic tests can also aid therapeutics. When medication is desired or necessary, pharmacogenomics, the study of how genes affect a person's response to medication, allows for the customization of drug therapies.
By understanding an individual's unique genetic makeup, doctors can prescribe medication and dosage that is most effective and least likely to cause adverse reactions. This personalized approach can significantly improve patient outcomes and is an incidence where good interpretation of genetic tests becomes invaluable.
Good for struggling would-be parents
Moreover, understanding genetic test results can provide valuable insights into family planning. For would-be parents with a family history of congenital conditions, genetic tests can assess the risks of passing on such conditions to their offspring.
The availability of such information can guide decisions concerning pregnancy and early childhood interventions. It can also provide necessary mental preparation for parents to manage conditions that may affect their children's lives.
Some concerns and Dilemmas
However, it is important to note that genetic testing, while offering great benefits, can also unearth concerns and dilemmas. A comprehensive understanding of results can be helpful during such instances. For instance, genetic testing can reveal the likelihood of an individual developing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease for which, currently, there is no definitive cure although there are studies showing that there can be improvements and a slowing down of the progress of the disorder with the use of nutrient supplementation.
Furthermore, ethically, it is important that genetic information is accurately interpreted and responsibly handled. Misinterpretation of genetic data could lead to discrimination, stigma, and unnecessary psychological stress. Therefore, natural health practitioners, medical professionals, and genetic counselors play a crucial role in ethically communicating this information.
Not a Pre-determined Fate
Proper interpretation can help individuals understand that having a genetic predisposition does not equate to a predetermined fate. Environmental factors and lifestyle choices play equally important, if not greater roles, in the onset of many diseases.
Good Interpretation, Good Advice, and Good Action
In conclusion, a good interpretation of genetic test results can greatly benefit an individual by facilitating personalized health care, aiding in family planning, and empowering informed lifestyle choices.
However, genetic data should be considered as a piece of the puzzle rather than the entire picture. While genetic tests can predict susceptibility, other factors like diet, environment, and lifestyle choices greatly influence the onset and progression of diseases.
It is thus essential to combine genetic data with other health information for a comprehensive health perspective. Therefore, the education of both health professionals and individuals on the correct interpretation of genetic data is crucial to harness the true potential and avoid the misuse of this powerful tool.
Cooking is an art that can either promote good health or cause a decline in wellness, depending on the choice of ingredients, particularly oils and fats.
In recent years, there has been an intensifying focus on the importance of using healthy oils and fats in the kitchen. It revolves around the idea that the right oils and fats can dramatically impact one's health, significantly reducing the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and even some types of cancer.
Our Bodies need Fat
First off, it's crucial to understand the role of fats in our diet. Contrary to some misconceptions, not all fats are bad. In fact, fats play a critical role in our health and overall well-being, performing functions such as providing energy, supporting cell growth, protecting organs, maintaining body temperature, assisting in nutrient absorption, and producing important hormones.
The key, as always, lies in moderation and making the right choices.
While the market is flooded with an array of cooking oils and fats, not all bring the same health benefits. Unhealthy oils often contain high levels of saturated and trans fats, which when consumed in excess, contribute to high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Hence, transitioning to healthy alternatives is not just an option; it is a necessity for optimal health.
But what about nut and seed oils?
What we have been told is that "the healthy oils derived predominantly from plants and seeds are not just low in harmful fats but also rich in unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6".
This is true but the balance between omega-3 and omega-6 is important.
Olive oil, canola oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, and sunflower oil are examples of such "healthier" options.
But are these oils all healthy?
We now know that many of the nut and seed oils that were (and still are in many people's minds) considered healthy may not be as good for us as we first thought. The most common seed oils include canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and safflower oil, which as you can see coincide partly with the "healthier" options.
Many of these will not be processed by cold-pressing (which is the healthiest way) since other types of processing produce more oil, which is a cheaper option for the producer but not so healthy for us, the consumers. They also contain more omega-6.
Moderation is key because a certain amount of omega-6 is needed and is important in supporting healthy blood cholesterol levels.
Seed Oils and Inflammation
"Omega-6 has a murkier reputation. Previously, it was largely considered unhealthy because of its link to inflammation, says Dr. Marijane Hynes, clinical professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C.
The most common omega-6 is linoleic acid, which the body converts into arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid plays a complex role in inflammation and has been linked to both inflammatory and non-inflammatory reactions in the body."
Seed and nut oils, when used for cooking, also oxidize easily and are therefore better substituted with butter, ghee, or coconut oil which are not changed by heating. These do not cause inflammation and have healthy benefits because they do not contain omega-6 in the form of linoleic acid.
Oils to use cold, with no worries
For use in the kitchen when not cooking, as in salad dressings and other cold culinary uses, the use of the following oils is really healthy for us.
Extra virgin olive oil is known for its plentiful heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fat, potent anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Avocado oil is high in mono-unsaturated fats and vitamin E, enhancing heart health and skin wellness.
These oils are really healthy for us in salad dressings and for other cold culinary uses.
Balancing the Omega-3 and the Omega-6
Switching to these healthy oils also helps balance the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in our diet. These essential fats are crucial for brain function and cell growth. While most modern diets, with too much highly processed food, are high in omega-6 and low in omega-3, making conscious oil and fat choices can help rectify this ratio and bring about significant health benefits.
Eat Oily fish and Tree-nuts
Healthy fats like those found in fish and nuts should also be included in daily diets.
Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and albacore tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, while nuts and seeds like almonds, chia, and flaxseeds offer both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids along with a dose of fiber and protein.
Nevertheless, it's important to remind ourselves that despite all the benefits these healthy oils offer, they are still fats and high in calories. Therefore, moderation is key.
Using butter, ghee, and coconut oil sparingly and wisely while cooking can elevate our culinary outcomes and contribute significantly to a healthier lifestyle.
To sum up, the importance of using healthy fats and oils in the kitchen cannot be stressed enough.
Enjoy your Food and enjoy your Health
By making well-informed choices, we can relish our meals without compromising our health. After all, the secret to good health doesn’t lie in eliminating fats and oils, but in choosing the right ones.
So, let’s pledge to make that healthy shift today for a healthier tomorrow!
Looking into dietary demographics across the globe reveals some worrying concerns when it comes to one essential nutrient in particular – magnesium.
With its huge influence on some of the human body's most fundamental aspects, it baffles and concerns nutritionists that a vast majority of people are found deficient in it.
This relatively overlooked mineral is involved in more than 300 biochemical functions, which is why understanding its significance in our diets and supplementation is increasingly important.
Some of the functions of magnesium
Magnesium is essential for the production of energy within our body's cells. It impacts the normal functioning of our muscles and nerves and plays a pivotal role in maintaining heart health and blood glucose levels. Additionally, it strengthens our immune system and bones.
Given all this, it's easy to understand why a deficiency can lead to a myriad of adverse health effects.
So many health issues are caused by Magnesium deficiency!
A diet lacking sufficient amounts of magnesium may contribute to several chronic illnesses. Lower magnesium intake has been linked to insulin resistance, a core issue underlying type 2 diabetes. It's also associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
In essence, low magnesium levels can influence various other health conditions too, including osteoporosis, hypertension, asthma, and even migraines.
Magnesium-poor diet?
So, while the necessity of magnesium is evident, it’s also an unfortunate reality that our modern diets are not magnesium-friendly. Consumption of processed foods, widely used in a typical Western diet, often strips necessary nutrients and minerals, including magnesium. This deficiency is further amplified by a less-than-optimal magnesium content in fruits and vegetables due to industrial farming practices and soil depletion.
All about Magnesium Supplementation
To counteract these dietary shortfalls, supplementation becomes a rational course to take. Magnesium supplementation can be an excellent way to ensure that you’re getting enough of this essential mineral, especially for those whose diets fall short of the recommended daily intake of 310-420 mg for adults.
Although magnesium supplements are generally considered safe, they may not be suitable for individuals with certain conditions, such as kidney disease, and should therefore only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It's also important to note that your body absorbs magnesium best when administered in smaller doses throughout the day, rather than in a single large dose.
Which form to take?
Supplements come in different forms like magnesium oxide, citrate, glycinate, and chloride.
Among these, magnesium citrate and glycinate are considered more easily absorbed by the body.
However, the form you choose largely depends on the health benefits you’re looking to gain from the supplement –
Magnesium citrate for constipation,
Magnesium glycinate for better sleep, treatment of some inflammatory conditions, including heart disease and diabetes
Magnesium oxide for heart health.
Magnesium malate is occasionally recommended to treat fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms.
Magnesium taurate is thought to promote healthy blood sugar levels and reduce blood pressure levels.
Magnesium L-threonate is frequently used for its potential brain benefits being easily transferred through the brain barrier. It may help manage certain brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and age-related memory loss.
Magnesium orotate may improve heart health by improving energy production in your heart and blood vessel tissue.
Magnesium sulphate Epsom salts, which are magnesium sulphate, can be dissolved in bathwater to soothe sore, achy muscles and relieve stress. It’s also sometimes found in skin care products like lotion or body oil.
However, certain forms or excessive ingested doses may cause mild laxative symptoms or upset stomach. Normally just cutting back the dose slightly is all that is needed. Confer with your medical practitioner if you have health concerns.
While supplementation can help redress potential deficiencies, it should be seen as a complement to a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, not a substitute. Foods rich in magnesium include leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and fish – all of which should form part of a healthy diet anyway.
In conclusion, whether through regular dietary intake or thoughtful supplementation, ensuring that your body has sufficient magnesium is fundamental for overall health and well-being.
In keeping this oft-neglected mineral in check, you could positively influence your body’s everyday functions and potentially stave off a number of future health issues.
In the vast panorama of health solutions, bio-resonance therapy – and Rife therapy, in particular – stands as a groundbreaking new frontier. This cutting-edge technology is non-invasive, has no side effects, and is designed to offer a more efficient way of handling various health conditions. By harnessing the power of electromagnetic waves, these therapies could be the answers we've been searching for.
Understanding Rife Therapy
Bio-resonance therapy is founded on the concept that everything in the universe has its unique frequency. Like a symphony, all cells in our bodies vibrate at distinctive frequencies that work in harmony. However, when the 'music' is marred by the wrong note, such as that of an invading pathogen or disease, our health gets compromised.
This is where the revolutionary Rife therapy comes in. Named after Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a genius American scientist of the 20th century, Rife therapy employs a device, known as the Rife machine, to produce electromagnetic waves. These waves are at frequencies that match those of pathogenic microorganisms. When these identical frequencies collide, it causes the pathogen to shake apart, similar to a wine glass shattering when a singer hits just the right note.
This unique therapeutic method can eliminate an array of pathogens – from bacteria and viruses to fungi and parasites, without harming the surrounding cells. The therapy is non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive, making it a natural choice for those seeking safer, alternative treatment methods.
Richard Gerber, M.D. states in his book "Vibrational Medicine,":
When viral and chemical environmental stressors are introduced into the human biological system, the place where they will cause the most damage will be partially determined by the weakest link in the physiologic/subtle energy chain.
From an energetic standpoint, the human body, when weakened or shifted from equilibrium, oscillates at a different and less harmonious frequency than when healthy. This abnormal frequency reflects a general state of cellular energetic imbalance within the physical body. When a weakened individual is unable to shift their energetic mode to the needed frequency a certain amount of subtle energetic help may be needed. When supplied with a dose of the needed energetic frequency, it allows the cellular bioenergetic systems to resonate in the proper vibrational mode, thereby throwing off the toxicities of the illness.
Benefits of Rife Bio-Resonance Therapy
1. Non-Invasive and Safe: Traditional treatment methods often involve rigorous medication protocols and invasive procedures that could lead to possible side effects or complications. However, Rife and bio-resonance therapies deliver healing effects using only electromagnetic waves, making them non-invasive and safe alternatives.
2. Broad-spectrum Effectiveness: Rife machines have a broad range of selectable frequencies, making them ideal for treating a wide variety of health conditions. They are not disease-specific and can target everything from common pathogens to stubborn and drug-resistant organisms. Pain and inflammation amongst many other conditions are seen to show improvement when treated.
3. Customizable Treatment: The frequency ranges on Rife machines are fully adjustable, providing a customizable treatment experience. Patients can receive treatment tailored to their specific needs, enhancing the chances of a positive outcome.
4. Complementary Treatment: Rife and bio-resonance therapy can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments, offering the potential for increased treatment success.
5. No Side Effects: Unlike many conventional treatments which can cause side effects like nausea, fatigue, and psychological distress, Rife and bio-resonance therapy have so far exhibited no known side effects, making them all the more appealing to patients.
6. Prevention: As well as treating existing conditions, Rife and bio-resonance therapy can be used preventatively, helping to strengthen the body's immune system and creating an unfavorable environment for pathogens.
Research into electromagnetic field therapy, which Rife therapy uses, has become interesting to many scientists.
Various types of magnetic and electromagnetic fields are now in successful use in modern medicine. Electromagnetic therapy carries the promise to heal numerous health problems, even where conventional medicine has failed. Today, magnetic therapy provides a non invasive, safe, and easy method to directly treat the site of injury, the source of pain and inflammation, and a variety of diseases and pathologies.
Millions of people worldwide have received help in treatment of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for pain relief. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are one important modality in magnetic therapy. Recent technological innovations, implementing advancements in computer technologies, offer excellent state-of-the-art therapy.
While more research is necessary to fully understand and validate the benefits of Rife and other bio-resonance therapies, the existing anecdotal evidence and small-scale studies are promising.
These therapies may indeed represent an innovative frontier in health, offering non-invasive, side-effect-free solutions to many debilitating conditions. As our understanding grows, so too will the potential application and impact of these fascinating therapies. The symphony of our cells could be in for a groundbreaking encore.
Have a look at the Electromagnetic Field therapies Anne has to offer.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, often known as PEMF, is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that uses electromagnetic fields to stimulate the body's healing processes. These fields pass through the body, encouraging the system's natural repair mechanisms at the cellular level. The therapy has shown promise in treating a range of conditions, including chronic pain, osteoporosis, fractures, and post-surgical healing. It is also being used by some clinics in the USA specialising in mental wellness.
You can find out more in the video in the link below.
"Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy in Management of Musculo-Skeletal Diseases
Dhilip Sampath, & Shivakumar Singh – Director, & Medical Director respectively of Madras Institute of Magnetobiology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Nationally, the problem of Musculo-skeletal Pain (MSP) is set to increase as the population ages. There will be a huge unmet need of patients in the current medical system to deal with chronic and difficult pain that does not respond to conventional treatments."
"This is precisely where Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy could play a defining role, in an integrated model of care to manage musculo-skeletal pain. It has been shown that PEMF therapy has anti-inflammatory properties, heals bones and injured tissues, and gives relief to pain. .......
Of the total number of 182 patients treated during the period for pain from various musculo-skeletal diseases, 86.26% of them showed overall improvement with PEMF therapy. Post-PEMF therapy patients showed a significant reduction in the percentage of pain intensity levels (50-75%) and improvements in functional ability indicating clinical efficacy. .....
The analysis taken together with research findings leads to infer that PEMFs, apart from mitigating pain, can modulate inflammatory dynamics, induce healing, and improve functional ability in patients with chronic pain due to certain musculo-skeletal diseases."
How does PEMF therapy work?
In the most basic terms, our body operates on electrical and magnetic energy. Our cells, in particular, require this energy to function correctly and efficiently. PEMF therapy delivers targeted pulses of electro-magnetic energy into the body, increasing cellular function and boosting overall body wellness.
These pulses stimulate the cells' biological electric potential, fostering a healthier cellular environment and repairing any damaged or dysfunctional components.
The Benefits of PEMF Therapy
In short, PEMF therapy energizes and enhances the body’s natural healing abilities.
Moreover, PEMF therapy can accelerate the body's repair process by improving cellular health. For instance, in wound healing, PEMF therapy can help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and thereby expedite the healing process.
In the management of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by decreased bone density, PEMF therapy has been found to stimulate osteoblasts – the cells responsible for bone formation. This stimulation aids in the reversal of the effects of the disease, augmenting bone strength and reducing fracture risk.
In the treatment of chronic pain, several scientific studies have shown that PEMF therapy can significantly reduce discomfort as shown in the research extracts above.
For some, the therapy has made it possible to reduce or even eliminate reliance on pain medication. By addressing the root cause of the pain at a cellular level, rather than merely masking the symptoms, PEMF provides a more sustainable solution.
PEMF therapy is also used in the treatment of depression and other mood disorders. The electromagnetic pulses can positively influence cellular ions, stimulating the production of mood-enhancing chemicals like serotonin and endorphins in the brain.
PEMF therapy has been approved by the FDA for several applications, including healing non-union bone fractures, brain cancer treatment, post-operative pain and edema, and even depression. This approval indicates the effectiveness and safety of PEMF therapy for certain medical conditions.
It is not a cure-all solution
Despite its broad range of benefits, one ought to remember that PEMF is not a cure-all solution. While it does have a wide range of promising applications, it should be used alongside other therapies under a healthcare professional's guidance to optimize health benefits.
Potential side effects of PEMF are rare but could include mild and temporary issues such as nausea, mild discomfort, or dizziness especially if not drinking enough fluids. It is essential to remain well-hydrated during PEMF therapy as this helps to mitigate side effects by helping to get rid of any toxins.
As with all healthcare interventions, it’s important to seek advice from a healthcare provider before beginning treatment.
In conclusion, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy offers a remarkable, non-invasive, drug-free method for supporting and accelerating our body’s natural healing process.
Its wide range of applications, from chronic pain management to treating mood disorders, marks its significance in the future of medicine.
As medical science advances, the full array of PEMF therapy's possible applications may yet reveal themselves, giving natural health and medical practitioners an even more powerful tool for promoting patient health and well-being.
Functional Medicine is totally different to conventional medicine in that we look at the whole person altogether whereas conventional medicine sends you to different departments and specialists for different parts of you! The liaison between departments is often lacking.
The other main difference is that we do not put on a bandaid/sticking plaster, we actually look for the root cause/s of the health issue and design a program to help the body to get back to the optimum wellness and balance, as far as is possible, where it strives to be.
If you are walking on a gravel path in your sandals and you get some gravel in your sandals, do you think to yourself that you should have put thick socks on to pad them against the gravel and wish you had some pain-killers to take against the pain?
No, I think not. You would take off the offending sandal and remove the gravel.
Well, I hope this illustrates how we, as health coaches in functional medicine, do things.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is worried about Food Additives. Find out Why!
Food additives like salt and vinegar have been used for thousands of years to be able to preserve food for leaner times. Salt was a very precious mineral before the advent of fridges and freezers and at one point was even used as a sort of monetary unit.
Sugar came along later on and was used for preserving food too, and eventually for making chocolate, confectioneries, desserts, and the like. Unfortunately, it is causing many of the health problems we are seeing today like diabetes, tooth decay, and cardiovascular conditions, and is even thought to be at least partly to blame for dementia.
Chemical Food Additives
Chemical food additives were starting to be used more and more extensively from the 1940s as food producers were trying to find ways to preserve their food products so that they could be transported over greater distances as means of transport became more extensive and the need greater.
Chemicals were not always tested because they were deemed to be Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS). This has left us in somewhat of a dilemma in modern times as this has not been reviewed.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has been looking into this problem and has published a report.
New AAP Report Says Food Additives Could Be Harming Kids
Dina DiMaggio, MD, and Anthony F. Porto, MD, MPH, official spokespeople for the American Academy of Pediatrics, are the co-authors of the Pediatricians' Guide to feeding babies and toddlers.
They write about the latest AAP guidelines, studies and seasonal issues affecting babies and toddlers.
This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) came out with a report saying there’s increasing evidence that chemicals added to food can have concerning effects on kids’ health.
The ingredients in so many food products these days are difficult to pronounce and even harder to identify. And that’s a problem.
More than 10,000 chemicals are legally allowed to be directly added to our food or come in contact with our food through packaging, the report states. The long-term effects of some of these chemicals haven’t been well studied, while others can pose known health concerns.
Perhaps even more troublesome is the fact that while many chemicals are designated as “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS), the FDA process of approving additives may involve conflicts of interest: The evaluation of an additive for GRAS designation is sometimes conducted by employees of the company (or those with ties tothe company) that manufactures the additive.
Plus, the FDA doesn’t have the necessary authority to reassess chemicals already in use that may have been approved years ago based on outdated testing methods, and no testing is being done to evaluate potential cumulative effects of food additives.
The AAP is calling for much needed improvements in regulating these chemicals, including making sure GRAS is sufficiently stringent,.
Are Chemicals Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier of our children?
Now we are starting to recognise the effects that chemical food additives are having on us and especially on children. The latter may be due partly to their smaller size but also due the fact that the blood brain barrier of children does not become a proper barrier and is fairly porous until puberty or thereabouts. So what is the blood-brain barrier of children allowing to access the brain? This sounds scary!
This means that chemicals of all sorts can easier cross into the brains of children and cause problems.
Food dyes/colourings have in recent years been particularly connected by scientists with ADHD and great benefit has been found by many parents by eliminating them from the child’s diet.
Glutamate, why do we need it?
Glutamate (also known as glutamic acid although it is a form of glutamate actually) is essential for our brains and our performance in everyday life.
Glutamate, which is a non-essential amino acid (protein), acts as a chemical messenger or in other words a neurotransmitter. It helps messages to pass down nerve cells. It is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain.
We would not function at all well if our glutamic acid levels were not sufficient.
We make our own glutamic acids but they are found naturally in the protein of both plants and animals.
Glutamate works by exciting the nerve cell which is why it is called an “excitatory neurotransmitter”.
Like the 3 bears story – The Glutamate level must be “just right”
The balance of glutamate needs to be just right to be able to pass the message efficiently, but not be over-excited/overstimulated so that it cannot function properly and as a result may cause strange symptoms in thought and sensory processes.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been found to give problems on this front! It is to be found in many foods in many guises but is especially known for its use in Chinese foods. Some Chinese restaurants are very good at not using MSG though, it has to be said.
Over stimulation from MSG
The Mayo Clinic lists the following symptoms from overstimulation from monosodium glutamate:
Facial pressure or tightness
Numbness, tingling, or burning in the face, neck, and other areas
Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
Chest pain
There is thought that there might be a link between ADHD, autism, and the consumption of glutamate.
Genetically Modified food (GM) or (GMO)
Genetically modified food is another problem that seems to be here to stay unless some drastic changes can be made.
A study was carried out back in 2011 in Quebec about the prevalence of the toxins that are implanted into genetically modified crops to make them more resistant to pests/weed-killer. The jury is out on which of those it is really there to resist. Glyphosate is a key player in this field.
Here is a report about the study by Andy Bloxham:
“Scientists at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec, took dozens of samples from women.
Traces of the toxin were found 93 per cent of the pregnant mothers and in 80 per cent of the umbilical cords.
The research suggested the chemicals were entering the body through eating meat, milk and eggs from farm livestock which have been fed GM corn.
The findings appear to contradict the GM industry’s long-standing claim that any potentially harmful chemicals added to crops would pass safely through the body.
To date, most of the global research which has been used to demonstrate the safety of GM crops has been funded by the industry itself.
We need to be aware when food shopping that we should read food-labels and that we need to stay up-to-date with food processing, labeling rules, and guide-lines so that we know what to expect to be labeled and what not. Buyer beware!
Growing your own food wherever and whenever possible is obviously the ideal thing to do given the time and the garden in which to do it, otherwise buying organic, non-GM food is the best alternative.
Meat, milk, and eggs need to be from pasture-raised animals that are eating non-GM organic crops. As we have seen from the research study done in Quebec, it matters what the animals eat from which our food is sourced, whether it be meat, milk, or eggs.
My main aim is to help people who have issues with digestive, mental well-being, focus, development, and memory by giving them the tools to help their bodies to repair themselves so that they can feel alive and in control.
I am passionate about empowering those with digestive/ mental / head injury issues by giving them the tools and resources that they need to help themselves (or their loved ones) with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and a host of other mental and developmental issues to move from being possibly impulsive, distractible,disorganised, with sleep and digestive problems to being calm and confident with clarity of thinking so that they can enjoy a quality life and well-being.
At True Wellness I use a new radical method of working with clients who prefer not to use conventional medicine (which often tends to just mask the symptoms).
My method of helping my clients back to health is called “Functional Medicine”, and I look for the "root cause" of the issues, that show up as symptoms, and show my clients how to support their bodies to enable healing.
I work like a detective, using "functional testing" where necessary, and a Qest4 bio-energetic scan to get in-depth information on body imbalances to find the causes so that I can give personalised advice on the best route forward.
Gravel in your sandals
Think of when you wear sandals and walk down a gravelly path and you get some gravel in your sandals so that with every step you take you are pressing numerous bits of gravel into your foot. It’s agony!
What do you do? Do you think, “I must put some socks on, to pad my feet against the gravel and perhaps take some painkillers so that I don’t feel the pain anymore”? Conventional medicine-style?
No, I don’t think you would! I think you would take off your sandals and get rid of those pesky bits of gravel!
Well, that is exactly the same sort of thing that I do. I get rid of the irritants that are causing the problems and what’s more I help the body by giving it everything it needs for support and may be missing out on to be able to heal itself, especially the immune system.
Creating a Time-line
I help my clients by looking at the complete picture of their health and life from their conception (and before if possible) to the present day and drawing up a time-line so that I can see what is going on!
I am then in a position to develop a personalised protocol including:
remedying nutritional deficiencies and much more……… so that the whole system can start to rejuvenate.
Learn about exciting, as well as basic good sense, therapies that do not cost the earth to boost your immune system and your vitality.
Methylation pathways
I also work with the methylation pathways to check that they are functioning, as well as other related pathways, which are essential to good health.
Methylation affects gene expression by turning on or off/ speeding up or slowing down the way a gene works. Genes function to control all facets of our lives, from energy production to digestion. I can help you to support methylation to help the body to function optimally and this can help both mentally and physically.
Methylation problems are seen frequently in various developmental issues in adults and children including ADD and ADHD and are frequently connected with genetic mutations or SNPs such as MTHFR.
Specialised programs and coaching
I offer a fully specialised online program for parents and caregivers of kids with ADD and ADHD and other mental and developmental issues, which includes personalised coaching sessions with me or you can opt for a stand-alone series of coaching sessions.
There is hope for you to regain more control over your life even as an adult with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and ODD. Please believe that. I can give you the resources to empower you to be able to lead a normal and fulfilled life.
I want to empower everyone that comes to see me who is diagnosed/suffering from digestive, mental, or developmental issues, to make their way to true wellness.
The rapid growth of technology in recent decades has revolutionized our lives in many ways. However, one of the overlooked aspects of this development is the increasing exposure to electro-magnetic field radiation (EMFs) that emanate from these devices, creating a form of pollution that could potentially have detrimental health effects.
What are EMFs?
EMF radiation creates invisible areas of energy associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. These radiation fields emanate from common household items like mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, televisions, and microwave ovens, creating what is referred to as electromagnetic field pollution.
What may they be doing to us?
Despite its ubiquity in our daily lives, most of us remain unaware of the potential hazards associated with EMF pollution. High exposure to these fields has been linked to a range of adverse health effects. A report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized EMFs as a possible human carcinogen based on an increased risk for glioma, a type of brain cancer. Moreover, several studies have associated high levels of EMF exposure with infertility issues, developmental problems in children, and even neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and ALS.
EMF pollution is not just a human health hazard, but also an environmental issue. Effects on bird migration, bee colonies, and other wildlife have been recorded, disrupting ecosystems and biodiversity. Due to their magnetic sense, birds and bees are particularly vulnerable to EMF radiation, leading to changes in their behavior, reproductive capability, and navigation skills.
Unfortunately, the danger is enhanced by the fact that EMFs are unseen and unfelt. Individuals may be unknowingly subjecting themselves to high levels of this pollution, especially those living in urban areas or near power lines, who are exposed to constant, high levels of EMF radiation.
How can we help ourselves?
To mitigate the hazards associated with EMF pollution, awareness and education are key. Simple steps such as maintaining a safe distance from electrical devices, reducing the usage of Wi-Fi and smartphones, and utilizing hands-free technology can essentially lower the risk of exposure. Moreover, there's an emerging market of EMF protective devices and appliances that can shield against this pollution.
What else do we need to do?
Another crucial preventative measure involves urging public authorities to establish stricter regulations governing EMF emissions. There is a pressing need for global bodies to recognize this under-appreciated environmental hazard and take concerted action. This includes setting maximum allowable EMF emission levels, mandating clearer labeling on consumer electronics, and investing in further research to understand the full extent of EMF pollution's impact on human health and the environment.
Keeping an eye out for the future
Electro-magnetic field pollution may be an invisible hazard, but its potential threat is real. As we continue to advance technologically, it’s vital to balance our quest for convenience with the necessity of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all creatures.
In the face of EMF pollution, let’s not outrun our understanding of its implications on our communal well-being.
Lack of sleep often mimics ADHD symptoms, which can cause inattentiveness, lack of focus and restlessness in people who don’t have ADHD.
Here are some tips and things to get checked to help settle your child and anyone who wants some good quality sleep! Here are some pointers to help establish a good regular evening routine leading up to bedtime.
First of all; one thing we all have to do is breathe, but are we breathing how we should?
Breathing, or the quality of it, is so important. If your children, or you, are breathing through your mouths there is something that needs checking. You should not be, neither day nor night!
This needs to be investigated and corrected by a chiropractor, osteopath, orthodontist or other experienced knowledgeable practitioners. Maybe their sinuses are blocked, their tonsils, adenoids are inflamed, something needs adjustment…… It needs to be checked as this can have a huge effect on the quality of sleep! It can also affect the jaws, teeth positioning and even speech.
Ten Main Tips for Good Quality Sleep
1. A calm peaceful environment.
This is the number one point of all of the tips I am going to give you. We all know that if we are over-excited, have been exercising or watching a vivid drama on TV or DVD there is just no way we are going to get to sleep in a hurry. Just calm it down over the last few hours before bedtime.
2. Last meal needs to be 2 to 3 hours before bed
Getting to sleep is easier if you can eat a few hours before bedtime because digestion is then well underway. This can be a particular issue if there are digestive problems still to be sorted. There may be a need for digestive enzymes or possibly there is an intolerance/sensitivity to a group of food to be investigated, for example.
3. Ban Screen use before bedtime
Screen use means televisions, phones, computers and tablets, screens of any type.
If screens need to be used for homework, then be sure to download and use an app that creates a warm screen lighting towards evening time, as it is the blue and white light from screens that need to be avoided as this has an awakening effect. These apps activate at sunset and turn off at dawn. Consider also blocking or restricting access to problematic websites.
4. Light
This is a difficult issue as it is a known fact that we should have a room as dark as possible to get good quality sleep, but on the other hand, we have to balance this with how anxious the individual child is about darkness. Some are nervous and some really frightened of the dark. A night-light obviously makes sense for many children but it needs to be of a red, yellow or orange tint because white and blue lights have an awakening effect.
5. Winding down
Avoid over-stimulation of the brain. Homework or any other strenuous brain use needs to be completed or stopped a couple of hours preferably before bedtime so that there is a winding down period. The brain can relax, reading a book perhaps.
6. Exercise cut -off point
Exercise is so important for everybody to keep muscles toned up and get plenty of oxygen circulating around the body but there needs to be a cut-off point as with brain use. The mind and body need to wind-down for a period before bedtime. Gentle pastimes like yoga and meditation are very beneficial leading up to going to bed but nothing too energetic.
7. Turn off the electronics
Turn off all cell/mobile phones, modems/routers when you go to bed or at least keep them at a good distance. These all emit electromagnetic frequencies which can disturb and prevent quality sleep.
8. A Regular winding-down Routine at Bedtime
A relaxing soak in a bath with essential oils like lavender plus epsom salts added. This is also great for parents/carers!
Reading books by/to the child
Backscratching/rubbing. Massages, cuddles, hugs are all great because they calm the child if they have any anxiety.
Essential oils like lavender, rose, vetiver and ylang-ylang (in a base of coconut, almond or other base oil) rubbed on the soles of the feet or used in infusers work well.
Playing soothing music
9. Good Bedroom Hygiene
No, we are not just talking about cleanliness here. We are talking also about toxic fumes/gases off-gassing from fabrics and soft furnishings.
A regular bedtime routine, fixed time for going to bed and for getting up.
Night clothes, in particular, are better made of natural textiles because man-made materials off-gas and to a sensitive child this may interfere with sleep and breathing.
Air-change. A bedroom needs to be clean of dust and bugs, obviously! But also try to get a change of air sometime throughout the day by opening bedroom windows so that the air is not stale.
Minimalist. A clutter-free minimalist bedroom helps some kids
10. Sleep Aid Gadgets
There are various sleep/bedtime gadgets and sleep trackers on the market, and also many free apps, videos with lullabies, peaceful beautiful music and sounds to listen to that can be downloaded.
Main points to remember:
Regular Bedtime routine
Winding down period
Turn off electronics
Natural textiles, furnishings
Eat more than 2 hours before bedtime
Finish exercising at least 2 hours before bedtime
Supplement only when needed
Peaceful environment
Calming music
“Sleep problems are often overlooked in routine ADHD assessment. If you are tired and can’t concentrate, discuss your sleep patterns with your doctor.”
ADHD is a complex condition with many facets and we know that there are multiple causes but various studies are now linking thyroid conditions (caused by fluoride in water) to the epidemic of ADHD in children that are being seen throughout the United States.
The problem is that although fluoride has been found to help strengthen the teeth in Colorado native people the fluoride was natural and in very low concentration and stained their teeth, but it did them no harm otherwise. Whereas the fluoride that is being added to drinking water is a man-made toxic side product from aluminium production and other industries.
The Dangers of Fluoride & Water Fluoridation
Study comparing fluoridation of water to ADHD incidence
The authors of a research study, psychologists Christine Till and Ashley Malin at Toronto’s York University, studied figures by state in 1992 and for the following 5 years and related them to the incidences of diagnoses of ADHD.
They first made adjustments for poverty, wealth and other factors. They found that Delaware and Iowa were heavily fluoridated and also had high levels of ADHD diagnosed, of around 14% between the ages of four and seventeen.
They predicted that “for every one percent increase in the portion of the U.S. population drinking fluoridated water in 1992 was associated with 67,000 additional cases of ADHD 11 years later, and an additional 131,000 cases by 2011, after controlling for socioeconomic status.”
The reason that fluoride is affecting children, and indeed adults too, is because fluoride interferes with how the thyroid functions. The thyroid needs iodine to be able to function properly in its primary role of metabolism and protein synthesis.
There are several more problematic issues with added fluoride, in that it has been found that fluoride has been shown to:
lower IQ,
delay neurobehavioral development in children as in ADHD and other issues
have neurotoxic effects
cause hypothyroidism
cause a goiter if someone is iodine deficient
decrease fertility in high concentrations
cause fluorosis of teeth and bones (showing as discoloration)
Fluoride, the “Halide family” and Thyroid Function
Iodine belongs to the halide family, along with fluoride, bromide and chlorine. Therein lies a big problem.
The thyroid has many iodine receptors in which to capture iodine which, together with thyroxine, activates the metabolism and energy processes and protein synthesis.
Unfortunately the iodine receptors are unable to tell the difference between the various members of the “halide family” so if there is more fluoride, bromide or chlorine around than there is of iodine, these other halides will be accepted on the receptors and this will block the spaces available for iodine.
The problem with that is that the thyroid can only use iodine, the others from that family are useless to it. The thyroid needs iodine and the result is that metabolism and protein synthesis suffers. There may not be an actual deficiency of iodine at all if iodine receptors are already taken up by fluoride, bromide, or chlorine. But it can appear so from the thyroid symptoms shown – lack of energy, tiredness, unable to concentrate, and so on.
Effects of fluoride on Pregnancy
Studies carried out back in the 1990s by researcher Phyllis Mullenix at the Harvard-affiliated Forsyth Research Institute showed that rats that were exposed to fluoride in the womb were much more likely to become hyperactive later in life.
If this happens while a woman is pregnant this obviously could affect the foetus if the same happens in humans as in rats as demonstrated in this study.
There have also been about 40 studies showing that children born in areas home to water with elevated levels of this chemical (higher than the concentrations used in U.S. water fluoridation) have lower-than-normal IQs.
Grandjean and colleagues reviewed 27 such studies that were available in 2012, concluding that all but one of them showed a significant link; children in high fluoride areas had IQs that were, on average, seven points below those of children from areas with low concentrations of the substance.
According to a study carried out by University of Toronto and York University researchers higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in school-age children.
“Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure,” said Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
“Our findings show that children with elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride were more likely to show symptoms of ADHD as reported by parents. Prenatal fluoride exposure was more strongly associated with inattentive behaviours and cognitive problems, but not with hyperactivity,” said Dr Bashash.
This study demonstrates how important it is to prepare for conception and pregnancy by looking at the quality of our water, food and our environment and eliminate the offending items where possible. The other thing we are doing at the same time is improving our own health outcome which has to be a plus point!.
We need to do everything in our power to improve the health of our baby before it is born because it will improve the baby’s chances of having a much healthier childhood continuing into adult life and be less likely to have ADHD or other developmental issues.
“Previous research has suggested that there may be several mechanisms by which fluoride could interfere in brain development and play a role in ADHD“, says Dr. Caroline Martinez, a pediatrician and researcher at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital.
What else is fluoride in?
It’s not just tap-water we have to be careful of but also toothpaste, mouth wash, milk, and table-salt may be fluoridated in many countries. There is increasing resistance by the general public to the enforced addition to food, hygiene items and particularly water, which some liken to mass medication. Fear is growing among many functional medicine health practitioners about the damage that may be done to the developing brains of our children, although government officials claim that fluoride is safe despite research figures showing the contrary.
The importance of a good quality water filter
People who drink larger amounts of water are more likely to be worse affected by the added fluoride and chlorine than those who drink less if drinking water that has not been filtered with a really good quality filter. We are continually being reminded by health organisations to keep well hydrated by drinking more water, so we feel as though we are doing the right thing, but unfortunately this may not be so.
Other Halides
So far we have been discussing fluoride but it is known that chlorine and bromide are also problematic. These are both used for either disinfecting drinking water or for the water in swimming pools, Jacuzzi, spa-baths……
So should we now be thinking about a different way to make sure our water is hygienic in which wash, bathe and swim or to drink?
Ultra-violet light has been shown to be effective, but maybe not so cost-effective. Must our health suffer because of money?
What can we do on an individual basis to make sure the water which we use in our houses on a daily basis is safe to use?
The first place to check if you live in the U.S. is the website
You can check the chemical situation in the water where you live by entering your zip code or state.
Water filters
A really good water filter is indispensable and can be managed without breaking the bank. There are water filters available for all the water used in the house but there are also fairly inexpensive water-jug filters, counter-top filters and filters for taps and showers.
Shower filters
Shower filters are really important because water, which contains chlorine (and possibly fluoride too), is pouring over us for quite a few minutes and our skins absorb really well; so we shall be absorbing a quantity of chlorine/ fluoride each time we shower. Why would we apply hormone creams like progesterone to our skins otherwise if our skins were not really absorbent?
Chlorine or bromine are commonly used to disinfect the water in swimming-pools, jacuzzis, and spa-baths so after a swim or bathing we need to jump in the shower, fitted with a good quality shower filter to rinse any remaining chlorine or bromide from the skin.
Where else is the troublesome halide family hiding?
Bromide can be found in bakery goods where it is used as a dough conditioner so be on the lookout when shopping, check those labels. Home-made is best but check the flours you use.
Bromides are also in pesticides, plastics, fire retardants and medications. BVOs (brominated vegetable oils) are used in soft drinks, particularly citrus ones.
As you can see halides are just about everywhere so we just have to do our utmost to minimise our exposure and make sure we are well topped up with iodine from fish and sea vegetables. Soil depletion of iodine does not help our cause.
The primary task we have to avoid a major halide hazard (and will minimise a good deal of chlorine and fluoride exposure) is sourcing good quality water filters and getting them fitted. Water is such an important part of our lives both for consumption and for hygiene and needs to be prioritised.
Check labels for fluoride and bromide plus avoid chlorine where possible.
We can also avoid fruit and vegetables that have been treated with pesticides by growing our own or buying organically grown produce.
If that is not possible then check on the Environment Working Group’s website to find their list of the fruit and vegetables that are most important to buy organic because they are more likely to have toxic residue from pesticides and are absolutely to be avoided if at all possible, “The Dirty Dozen”, and the ones which are least of a problem, “The Clean Fifteen” which one can safely buy.
Food and water are our essentials to be alive so let’s try to eat and drink as pure and clean as possible to live a healthy life.
For information on drinking water in U.S., a National tap water database –
Enter your name and address at to receive the “The Dirty Dozen” and “The Clean Fifteen” food lists.
Why are Almost No Children in France Medicated for ADHD?
Now here is some fascinating information, and what can we learn from this. What ought we to learn from this!
“Mass amounts of American children are being diagnosed with a possibly fictitious disease; even worse they are being prescribed addictive and lethal drugs for it.
The ‘disease’ or rather condition, is known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The disease is said to be a common behavioral disorder. It is said to affect over 10% of school age children. It is characterized by the inability to direct one’s complete focus and concentration on one thing at a time. It is also often characterized by excess hyperactiveness. If you were to ask me, I would say that children are hyper and energized naturally. Of course, the average child isn’t going to be enthusiastic about taking a math test, and chances are you’re probably not going to get their full attention either.”
We know that children are hyperactive, some more than others, and perhaps that’s how some kids are just meant to be.
But how do we help the children that are not coping well or are struggling to be accepted by those around them and disrupting others’ lives. What about how they affect their family’s home-life? Are there other ways of treating them than with medication?
The Birth of Amphetamines
It was not until 1932 when Gordon Alles first patented amphetamine when he was experimenting with amphetamines while trying to improve on ephedrine, a bronchodilator, and decongestant.
Alles, after trialing amphetamine for asthma, realised it was not helping patients at all he recognised that perhaps it had a use as a euphoria-producing stimulant after seeing the effects it had on himself and others. This was how the use of amphetamines was born!
Amphetamines had actually been discovered over 40 years before and were, at the time, believed to be quite valueless pharmaceutically. So it was only at this point that they were found to have a new use as a psychoactive prescription drug!
The Need to Use Amphetamines in Children
But should we really be giving small children (and sometimes even babies) strong psychoactive drugs like these? Their brains are developing fast, they are growing, and they are at more risk at this stage in their lives than at any other time of being affected adversely by chemicals.
We are after all extremely careful about the levels of many other chemicals that children may be brought into contact with because we know that children are more susceptible to the effects that chemicals may have on them. Governments in the “West” draw up safety guidelines for many chemicals with which we may come into contact in our daily lives.
The children do not have a deficiency of amphetamines (because amphetamines are not known to have any nutritional use). Amphetamines and other ADHD medications are not found in natural food items as are vitamins and trace minerals in fish, meat, fruit, and vegetables. Trace mineral and vitamin levels are certainly areas in which we can have deficiencies.
What are the risks that we subject children and babies to when prescribed with methamphetamines such as adderall and vyvanse?
“The most commonly prescribed drug to ADHD patients, including children, are Methamphetamines. The drug poses extreme overdose and addiction risks too.
Withdrawal Effects of Methamphetamines
Sleep problems
Decreased appetite
Delayed growth
Head-aches and stomach-aches
Rebound (irritability when the medication wears off)
Moodiness and irritability”
France has a different way of looking at the condition and as a result, they also vary in their mode of treating it as well.
“Instead of using the the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the French use an alternative classification system produced by the French Federation of Pyschiatry called Classification Francaises des Troubles Mentaux de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent (CFTMEA).”
The French look at ADHD holistically much in the same way as the functional Medicine practitioners view it, and that is to look for the underlying causes of the disorder’s symptoms and as a result, rarely do the psychiatrists find it necessary to prescribe medications, or even use psychotherapy or family counseling. They are showing other countries that it can be done differently.
Where do we start to look for the underlying causes? Food and drink are the very first, then toxins in our food chain, our environment, exercise, stress………. I will be writing more about these in the future.
Do we really need to medicate our children diagnosed with ADHD or are the French psychiatrists showing us the way, the way to look after our children and nurture them?
Meanwhile, we have to start thinking about who has got treatment for ADHD right, the French or the US and other “Western” countries?
Is this where the US and indeed other Western countries are going wrong?
ADHD is thought to be affecting 1 in 20 children now in United States and 3.4% of children worldwide which has interested researchers in developing studies to examine whether dietary issues might have answers for children with ADHD symptoms and they have had encouraging results, in particular with a micronutrient rich Mediterranean diet.
Parents, families, caregivers and teachers know all the ADHD symptoms in kids that are displayed such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
It is a complex disorder but diet seems to be a large cause component according to their studies.
A study looking at the potential benefits of the Mediterranean diet on ADHD wrote,” Our data support the notion that not only specific nutrients but the whole diet should be considered in ADHD.”
“Another research team – who investigated the relationship between vitamins and ADHD in young adults – found that lower concentrations of Vitamins B2, B6 and B9 were associated with ADHD and B2 and B6 were linked to the severity of the symptoms.”
Could a Nutrient rich Diet for ADHD kids be the answer?
A diet rich in vegetables and fruit has been shown to be full of micronutrients and to be a healthy option for us all but it seems as though it is particularly important for some children (and indeed some adults) who have signs of ADHD.
We all really need to be eating a Mediterranean type of diet that is rich in the right sort of fats that are essential for good health such as oily fish (like sardines, herrings, mackerel and wild salmon) nuts and seeds plus using cold pressed oils such as virgin coconut, flaxseed and olive oils.
Can a Mediterranean diet help ADHD kids?
A study from Universidad de Barcelona found that children and adolescents eating a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet may find that the ADHD symptoms are improved or even reversed.
“Dietary patterns of the Mediterranean diet can be related to a lower diagnose of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study.”
They also felt that kids with ADHD, because of the disorder, would tend to want to eat the foods containing unhealthy fats and sugar because they make them temporarily feel better, but which was causing a vicious circle.
They are not getting the vital micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamins that are so much needed because they are filling up with “rubbish” food, which makes symptoms worsen.
The study found that the Mediterranean diet supplies most of the micronutrients needed and I thoroughly endorse that.
I live in the South of France and feel very healthy and fit eating a Mediterranean diet! I am what is popularly termed now a “pescatarian” as I do not eat meat but do eat fish!
Keeping a food and mood journal can be a very useful tool if food is thought to be a trigger for symptoms.
Nutrient rich diet
Children and adolescents especially need a nutrient rich diet because they are growing and may in some instances need dietary supplements.This is because modern farming methods do not return to the soil the micronutrients that have been taken out by the crops, so the soil will have become trace mineral and vitamin deficient as will the crops that are grown in that soil.
The ideal thing to do is to grow one’s own vegetables and fruit then you can feed your produce naturally with organic fertilisers and be eating highly micronutrient rich food. It is not possible for everyone to do this, of course, due to lack of space, time and energy!
Even if you are lacking space it is surprising what can be grown in pots in a courtyard garden, balcony or on a windowsill.
Routine Lab testing for kids with ADHD?
I feel it is important to get lab testing done for children with ADHD symptoms to check for deficiencies that they may have in micronutrients, minerals and vitamins so that appropriate treatment can be given which may eliminate or reduce the need for medication.
ADHD Medication for kids or not?
I am not advocating cutting out medication without discussion with your health practitioner but this has certainly worked for the family in this video. I take my hat off to her for her pluckiness! It is generally advisable to reduce ADHD type medications with a practitioner’s advice as it needs to be done gradually to avoid unpleasant side-effects.
It is so important to find the reason/cause for the symptoms rather than to opt immediately for ADHD medication for kids which may cause their own problems. More and more parents are searching for a natural therapy for their children and that is to be applauded.
Fitness before Conception
We also need parents to think before having a baby about their own health. At least one year preferably 2 years before conception, if possible, it is essential to do everything possible to get as fit as possible –
Diet-wise, to eat plenty of organic vegetables and fruit as well as quality proteins and fats. Cut out the fast food.
Drink good filtered water and cut out soda drinks.
Detox to get rid of toxins that have been hiding in the body especially in the fatty tissues (which also frighteningly means the brain as it consists of a high degree of fatty acids).
Exercise to get fit generally and have plenty of oxygen circulating in the body.
Restricting alcohol to give the body every chance to be at its optimum level of health.
Do everything possible to promote the health of parents to the optimum level so that “baby” has all the best chances possible when he or she arrives.
It is too late, or at least very difficult, to change things that have happened to “baby” when developing in the womb afterwards!!
The Importance of a Good Diet
It’s amazing how much depends on our diet and it is becoming more and more clear that finding a good healthy diet that suits you or your child, as a unique person, may be the most important thing you ever do because we need food to keep us alive and eat several times a day. If what we are ingesting is not nutrient-rich and if it also contains toxins into the bargain (for example the omni-present glyphosate) we may be poisoning and nutrient-starving ourselves slowly into ill-health and an early death!
It is especially important for children with ADHD and ADD symptoms to eat a really healthy diet, but certainly not exclusively as it affects us all..
We all need our good health and a Mediterranean diet may be a good place to start.
In this article, we are going to discuss 10 tips that will allow you to shift your diet in a way that implements whole foods.
This way of eating is ideal to provide your body with the nutrient profile it needs to repair and keep you performing your best in whatever life you are currently leading!
Start Gradually
As you begin to choose a healthier diet consisting of whole foods, attempting to completely transform your eating habits from day 1 is a mistake.
Instead of ransacking your pantry and trashing all of your household food items, gradually eliminate the unhealthy foods by attrition.
As you finish a less-than-favorable item, simply don’t buy it again. On each shopping trip, replace the item with an item of whole food, one by one.
Experiment With New Foods
Most of us could probably check off our weekly shopping list with our eyes closed. Falling into the habit of buying the same unhealthy food options is easy to do.
As you begin to seek out more whole foods, you will no doubt discover items at your local supermarket completely unknown to you! Instead of passing these items by, start sampling these choices here and there.
You may find something that hits the spot and provides a tasty, healthful option!
Make The Process Enjoyable
Whole foods are great; filling your shopping cart up with whole foods you can hardly stomach is not!
Eating should be enjoyable, and with the huge variety of whole foods available, finding items you like to eat is very achievable. If you purchase something that doesn’t hit the spot, don’t get discouraged. Keep experimenting until you have a list of go-to whole foods you look forward to eating.
Find Fun Recipes
Just because you begin selecting whole foods, there is no need to eat them exactly the way they came from the farm!
Just as you would with any other food item, look up creative recipes that incorporate these new items in tasty and creative ways.
Boring, bland meals day after day is sure to derail your attempt at a healthier way of eating.
Visit Local Farmers' Markets
Almost every community has a farmers' market that allows you to purchase local foods grown right at home.
While these items are usually much cheaper than your local organic supermarket, this is also a great way to support local businesses and promote fellowship within your community.
Don’t Adhere To One Item
A lot of fad diets today encourage you to base your entire eating pattern around a very limited number of whole food items.
Avoid buying into this advice.
No single food item provides all the key nutrients your body needs. Vary your meals and food choices to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of nourishment.
Be Cautious Of Advertising
Given the fact that whole-food diets have become increasingly popular as of late, a lot of advertisers are taking advantage of this trend.
Just because something says whole food or healthy does not mean this is always the case.
When selecting items, spend more time looking at the nutrient information on the back of the container rather than the flashy promises on the front!
Adjust Your Shopping
One thing you are sure to notice as you begin selecting more whole food is that these items tend to spoil much faster than their processed counterparts.
Trust and believe, there is nothing wrong with these items, food isn’t meant to keep in your cabinets for weeks and months on end!
With this in mind, you may need to begin buying less during each grocery trip and shop more frequently instead.
Create A List Beforehand
As you may already be aware, buying whole foods isn’t the cheapest option. The total at the cash register may come as a bit of a surprise at first.
To mitigate this discomfort, take the time to prepare a list of only the things you need before you even step into the grocery store.
Be Ready For An Adjustment
Here’s the thing, changing the way you eat is going to be strange at first.
As with anything else, shifting a deeply ingrained habit in any area of your life involves an adjustment period.
It is important to keep in mind exactly why you are changing the way you eat and remind yourself of the vast array of benefits that come with fueling your body the right way!
Dyslexia is a common condition suffered by many and is often mentioned on this page. There is a condition "Meares-Irlen Syndrome" that is not known or spoken about much at all, which can affect reading as well as causing other "symptoms".
"Meares-Irlen Syndrome
Meares – Irlen Syndrome is a form of visual stress which leads to difficulties with fine vision tasks such as reading. This eye condition was identified in 1980 by an American psychologist and although the condition is not yet fully understood, it is known to affect reading ability.
The condition affects about 50% of "dyslexics", as well as epileptics, migraine sufferers, people with ME and MS, and others. Like dyslexia, it is not curable but can be treated, and significant improvements can be made. For "dyslexics", Meares – Irlen can often be the cause of reading difficulty." See more on -
Symptoms include:
• Light sensitivity: Bothered by glare, sunlight, headlights, or streetlights
• Fatigue, headaches, mood changes, restlessness, and decreased focus with bright or fluorescent lights
• Difficulty reading words on glossy white paper due to perceived movement of text. Poor comprehension, skips words or lines. Reads slowly or hesitantly. Loses place.
Words may seem to jump off the page or move about, spin, or not stay where they should.
• Feel tense, tired, or get headaches when reading because words tend to move, run together or become difficult to perceive
• Depth perception problems such as difficulty judging distances, getting on/off escalators and stairs, ball sports, or driving.
Clumsiness, bumping into things and being accident-prone.
Treatment involves the use of colour overlays and simple eye exercises. Glasses with coloured overlays have been shown to lessen the effects of visual stress.
Regular simple exercises to train the eyes and increase coordination have had some success too.
It is important to have an assessment with a licensed Orthoptist and have a course of treatment set that is appropriate.
Treatment is highly specialised and needs to be set specifically for you.
Where to Go in the UK to Be Tested for Meares – Irlen Syndrome
The Visual Stress Clinicat Glasgow Caledonian University carries out a range of clinics examining the vision of people with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
This specialised facility, which is the only one of its kind in Scotland, treats problems in children and adults using a variety of techniques to improve their reading, writing, and spelling.
Scientists tell us there are certain things we can do to improve our mental well-being. These techniques will help you feel more positive about yourself.
They teach you how to ride and wait out the lows. Once you know that, nothing can stop you from getting what you want out of life.
Today, I'm going to share with you five ways to boost your mental health. Keep reading for more.
1.Connect With Others
Good relationships don’t need years to build. They can form in a matter of months, or weeks even. Plus, they don’t have to be an all-in, best-friends-for-life type of relationship.
Just talking to a neighbor or members of your church can have a great impact on your mental health. You learn to listen, empathize, and build a strong sense of self-worth and value.
Have you and a friend not seen each other in a while? Then, reach out and try to arrange a coffee date so you can get together and catch up.
How about your children or other family members? Why not try to set an hour during the day where you talk or play games?
We all know how social media has become an important part of our lives. And it’s made it easier to stay in touch with important people in our lives, especially if they live far away.
It’s good to text and chat on a regular basis. But, just make sure technology isn’t replacing your face-to-face communications with people.
2. Learn New Skills
Learning a new skill or hobby can have a significant boost on your mental health. It’s an excellent way to meet new people and improve your self-esteem.
It’s nice to have a sense of purpose, other than your work. It gives you something to look forward to each day.
The problem, however, is many people complain they don’t have enough hours in the day. Luckily, though, technology has made learning more accessible.
Here are some of the ways you can use those high-tech gadgets you have to good use:
Sign up for an online course, like learning a new language or a practical skill like programming
Look for free video tutorials online to help you out with a DIY project
If you enjoy cooking, find healthy recipes and learn how to make them
Try a new hobby that challenges and entertains you, like painting, writing, or gardening
Learn a physical activity or learn to play a new sport
3. Pay More Attention
We’re all guilty of not paying attention to people and things going on around us. We’re always busy with work or scrolling through our social media feed.
Learning to focus all your senses on the present moment can improve your mental well-being. It also boosts your mood and lowers stress levels. Experts call this type of focus “mindfulness”.
When you practice mindfulness, you enjoy the little things in life. Things like watching a bird soar overhead or taking in the nuances of nature are just two small examples.
When you’re in tune with the small details, you feel more relaxed and at peace. Plus, you start to get a better understanding of what makes you happy or anxious, which is a healthy way to approach life’s challenges.
4. Get Physically Active
When you do any type of physical activity, you boost your physical fitness, as well as your mental wellness. It could be a short 15-minute walk, an hour of cycling each week, or 30 minutes at the gym. You pick the activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good.
Then, once you start noticing the difference, you start to feel good about your looks. That’s when your confidence will soar through the roof.
In addition, your brain signals the nervous central system to release ‘feel-good’ hormones known as endorphins. These wonder chemicals trigger a positive response, which boosts your mood. They also reduce feelings of pain and anxiety.
Check out the following tips on how to get "moving" to boost your mental health:
Look online for free activities catered to your fitness level
Find local centers where you can dance, swim, or cycle
Try running with a ‘couch to 5K’ app or podcast
If you have a chronic health condition or a disability, there are many exercises and physical activities that can be customized to meet your needs but check with your medical practitioner first.
5. Give to Others
According to research, acts of kindness and giving are great ways to improve your mental well-being. The reason is that when we help others, our brains trigger the release of another ‘feel-good’ hormone called oxytocin.
This chemical promotes feelings of empathy and trust. It also makes us calmer, happier, and more inspired to do more.
Giving to others could be volunteering at a local shelter or helping out someone on a personal level. The point is to offer your time and energy to do something for other people. In return, you’ll feel good about yourself, knowing that you’re valued and appreciated.
Have a go and see how it makes you feel, but don't feel that you have to jump in and do every step at once, “baby steps” work better.
Make sure you celebrate those little steps that you make towards feeling more contented and stronger mentally.
"Think of when you wear sandals and walk down a gravelly path and you get some gravel in your sandals so that every step you take you are pressing several bits of gravel into your foot. It’s agony!
What would you do? Would you think to yourself, “I must put some nice thick socks on to pad my feet against the gravel and perhaps take some painkillers so that I don’t feel the pain anymore?", as per the "band-aid style".
No, I wouldn’t think so. I think it would be time to take off your sandals and get rid of those pesky bits of gravel! "
Well, that is in essence how Anne works.
She helps you to find and get rid of the irritants, ie "the gravel", that are causing the problems, and also by offering the things that are needed and might be lacking which will help the mind and body, and especially the immune system, to be able to heal themselves.
So much better than covering up the symptoms and much more positive for the body and mind.
Micro habits are so small that they feel like they should sort of succeed automatically. That’s what makes them so frustrating when, for whatever reason, they don’t.
The good news is, you can set up any micro habit for success with just three simple steps:
Focus on one micro-habit at a time.
Because micro-habits are small, it’s easy to think you can create a whole slew of them to fix your life all at once. After all, they’re just small changes, right?
The problem is that even small changes can add up, especially when you have a whole big long list of them. So rather than getting caught up trying to remake yourself entirely, pick just one micro-habit to establish; then don’t allow yourself to pick another one to do until the first is already well-established!
Link the new micro-habit to one that’s already in place.
To do this, look at what you’re trying to establish. See if there is another habit you already have in place to which you can link this new micro habit. For example, suppose you want to start flossing, you could connect it to the already established routine in place for brushing your teeth. The act of brushing your teeth then becomes a trigger for the new micro habit, and so it becomes easy to remember to do it.
You might have to get a little bit creative to do this. If you’re not sure what to connect it with, ask yourself questions such as:
What time of day do you want to perform this micro habit?
Is there something else I do at that time every day?
Is this micro habit somehow related to something I’m already doing regularly?
Can I somehow link it to something else entirely but still see some alignment in my mind?
Set it in stone.
Or at least place the micro habit on your schedule. Even a small habit such as drinking more water each day can be established by simply setting a timer on your phone to remind you to drink every hour.
Use your calendar, your timer, even a post-it note on a physical calendar hanging on your wall to remind yourself that you have set aside time just for this micro habit.
With these steps, any micro-habit can be very easily set up for success. If you’re still flagging after all this, think of a small reward you can use to encourage yourself to perform this particular micro habit.
If you’re facing some life challenges during this difficult, and for everyone, unique period with Covid-19, it can be hard to remember that it’s normal to have obstacles crop up from time to time.
Yes, I know this is not a normal obstacle!
But just about everyone is having setbacks, disappointments and tough times just now. But going through this rough patch doesn’t have to spoil your life. The key to thriving in the face of adversity is how you respond to the obstacles in your path.
Here are four strategies to help you ride through and come out on top.
Decide to embrace the obstacle
If you’re having a tough time, it can be easy to feel helpless and even that you’re a victim. But it’s up to you to rise to the challenge and decide that you won’t be overwhelmed. Choosing to take control and embrace your challenge is the first step in overcoming it. Look your obstacle square in the face and resolve to meet it.
Be okay with discomfort
The proof that you’re embracing your obstacle is acknowledging that it doesn’t feel good. It can feel uncomfortable, heavy, even painful. There are lots of life experiences that hurt at the time but end up being for your best and highest good. From the normal lifetime difficulties like marathon training, going to the dentist, public speaking to facing life with Covid-19, (including possibly facing debtors) you feel, or will feel, so much better once you’ve faced the worst.
Remember it won’t last forever. Don’t shrink from the bad feelings. You can ride them out!
Make sure you have a support team
You don’t have to face your obstacles alone. It can make all the difference to have people around you who are supportive, who’ll stick by you and cheer you on when you want to give up.
If you have a cheer squad, you’ll find that extra level of energy to help get you through. And you’ll be there for your friends and colleagues when they’re facing their challenges. Once you’re part of a team that has each other’s backs, none of you will have to face life’s ups and downs alone.
You’ll fight together and celebrate success together!
Be grateful for your obstacles
Feeling gratitude for the challenges in life might sound counter-intuitive. But think about it. Accepting the challenge, resolving to meet it head-on, and overcoming it makes you a better, stronger person.
Think of how good it feels to deal with a problem and solve it. To face fear and overcome it.
It sounds strange but there are invariably benefits that come from adverse events. “As one door closes, another door opens”, as that well-known motto goes.
Without obstacles in your life, you would not grow and learn to become a better person. Obstacles are a natural, normal part of living an authentic life.
Life will return to normal, (whatever your normal is).
If you need help to cope with the stresses or other issues contact Anne for a FREE discovery session prior to a consultation.
Special Covid-19 Offer till 28th February 2022 - Half price Initial 90 minutes Consultation
Staying Calm And Centred In Times Of Corona Panic:
Amazing at Home Activities:
Get Started Today As COVID-19 slowly makes its way into major cities and small suburbs across the nation, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to remain calm and not panic. We have been told by authorities to stay in our homes in order to prevent spread, but that does not mean that we should go crazy inside and solely focus our attention on what is happening with world outside.
Try to limit how much news you watch, especially some of the over-hyped reporting that only propagates fear and anxiety. First and foremost, get updates and facts from reliable sources, and then focus your attention elsewhere.
You can avoid contact with other people and wash your hands more carefully, but your ability to remain calm comes from within. That means you'll have to take the necessary steps in reducing your stress and anxiety and promoting calmness while the virus runs its course.
We're going to go over three of the best ways that you can stay calm and centred in times of COVID-19 panic!
1. Meditation & Mindfulness
So, you're anxious and stressed as a result of the rapid spread of Corona virus!
If you've never attempted meditation or any mindfulness techniques in the past, this is the perfect time to try them out and get some practice under your belt.
According to the Mayo Clinic, meditation can play a huge role in helping you to maintain your mental and emotional health, even benefiting aspects of your physical health.
Here's what meditation can do for you.
A greater positive outlook on life
Increased feelings of calmness
Greater self-awareness
Reduced levels of anxiety and stress.
Improved focus
The best part is: There are plenty of different types of meditation.
If you're able to focus for long periods of time, you might want to try out guided meditations or visualisation techniques. When you're looking to stay more active while you're self-isolated, you can give Yoga or Pilates a go!
Find out about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It is a very useful tool and there are lots of videos about it on Youtube.
2. Finding a Creative Outlet and keeping busy
You might be stuck in the house for the next few weeks, but that doesn't mean you have to end up going crazy. In fact, that would probably only serve to increase the feelings of panic of those around you during such trying times!
This is a great time to try out some new (or old) creative hobbies. When you're focused on building or creating something new, you're reducing the amount of focus on the negativity surrounding you.
That means creativity is a solid way of helping you to relax. A creative outlet can be almost anything.
Here are a few things you might want to try out (if you have the supplies at hand) or the abilities.
Painting, colouring, or drawing. There are lots of videos to give you ideas on Youtube
Singing and/or playing musical instruments
Taking photos or videos of things you enjoy
Building something with things lying around the house
Writing Puzzles
Sorting out your family photos and printing out a selection to put in an album
Get the children dressing up in old clothes of yours
Basically, the goal here is to find an activity or task that requires an intense amount of focus and makes you happy. You won't even notice that you spent the last hour drawing your favourite cartoon character if it's enjoyable!
3. Giving Back & Helping Others
It's completely natural to be fearful of the unknown but giving back to others can help you to tackle this fear once and for all. When you're giving back to the community or helping those in need, you'll be working to spread compassion and happiness rather than fear and anxiety.
With so many people sick or self-isolated, so many people aren't allowed or able to leave home. However, these individuals do still have needs that they now can't meet on their own.
As long as you're keeping your distance and not exposing anyone to the virus, you can deliver food and groceries. It'll make you feel good about yourself while also helping those who need it!
So, call your neighbours, post something on your Facebook to let those in need know that you are available and how to get in contact.
Red or green card system
Think of suggesting to vulnerable people that you know to post either a green card in their window if they are OK and are not needing help or a red one if they do need assistance. This helps to set our minds at ease that all is well or alerts us to being needed.
Final Thoughts
You can't do much yourself when it comes to curing or stopping the spread of COVID-19, but there are things you can do that can reduce your panic and invoke an overwhelming sense of calmness.
By taking advantage of mindfulness, looking for a creative outlet, and even giving back to those who need it, you'll be able to stay calm and centred, even now!
A comfortable hat and loose light clothes of a light colour will keep you cool but also protect you from the damaging rays of the sun.
2. Plan your activities around the sun
During hot weather it makes sense, if possible, to plan to do outdoor jobs earlier or later in the day when the temperatures are lower.
3. Find shade - or make it!
There is not always a handy tree or pergola available, so a parasol can be handy.
4. Do NOT get burned
Take all the possible precautions you can to not get burned because damaged skin can later develop cancer, as we all know.
5. Sunglasses are essential.
Eyes too need protection against the UVA rays especially. A certain amount of sun though is good for skin and eyes but don't overdo it. Fifteen to twenty minutes in the sun is sufficient to make the vitamin D that you need.
6. Check the UV index
It can be deceiving sometimes when the sky is slightly hazy and you think the sun will not be so damaging, but it is. So it's best to check the UV index to be on the safe side.
Sunscreen should be your last resort!
Check your sunscreen for toxins. Look at what EWG have to say about sunscreens and the toxins that are in so many of them. Are they in yours?
There are safe sunscreens and armed with the information you will get here and from the Environmental Working Group's website
you will be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from sun damage but still be able to enjoy your outdoor time and benefit from the beneficial sun rays.
Click All about sunscreens and much morefor all you need to know on how to choose a safe and efficient sunscreen and how to avoid the toxins!
Enjoy yourself in the sun knowing you have taken all the right precautions!
Let’s take a look into the waste we produce from our cleaning products and personal care products.
Every month everybody uses copious amounts of products in the kitchen, the bathroom and general household, and that all come in some form of packaging.
So while many of us may make great efforts to separate our waste for recycling, the real answer is to cut down on the packaging used in our purchases wherever we can.
Recycling is good but is not a sustainable solution in the long run without making other changes too.
While you are reducing waste in this way, you can be saving money and feel empowered.
DIY products
By making your own products you will know exactly what goes into them. You can feel confident to use them and your mind will be at ease knowing that there are no harsh chemical ingredients that can be harmful to you or your family.
Yes, the thought of it does sound overwhelming. I thought I could never do that but I was wrong. There are so many super simple recipes out there that will have you making natural DIY cleaning and personal-care products in no time at all.
By using natural, herbal and essential oil ingredients, you ensure you keep the use of chemicals down to a minimum – or nothing at all – and you’re suddenly rid of all those pesky toiletries bottles! A major zero-waste hack!
You will feel confident that you know exactly what is in the products that you are using and that it is safe for your health and well-being and that of your family.
Here are my top Zero-waste hacks for the home:
Buy or save a collection of re-usable glass bottles, spray bottles and jars. They are essential when reducing waste. Buy and store bulk dried foods (pulses, grains, etc),
Preserve your cleaning products, soap-nut concentrates etc. in these reusable jars. (I use tomato sauce glass jars and condiment jars)
Make your own soap-nut concentrate for an all-purpose cleaner, floor detergent and dishwashing liquid.
Swap synthetic cleaning sponges with natural biodegradable cleaning cloths or sponges
Eliminate plastic food wrap and replace with beeswax food wraps or use glass storage containers and lids.
Avoid all plastic bags and single-use packaging. Buy some re-usable, washable bags or other containers to take shopping with you, in which to buy fruit, vegetables, loose nuts, seeds, pulses and such like.
See Resources
There are so many better greener ways to clean than by using detergents. If a product has an unpronounceable ingredient then it is best discarded!
If you convert to "green-living" you can say goodbye to the "detergent-aisles" in the supermarket and all the plastic bottles that take up so much cupboard space.
The other great advantage is that living a "green life" costs a lot less money!
Ingredientsthat you will need for making your cleaning products are minimal.
Vinegar (white and apple cider)
Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
Castile soap
Soap-nuts or pure soap flakes.
Essential oils can be added too and are super, not only for their therapeutic benefits but also for their perfume.
Some Green Cleaning Recipes
Floor Detergent for tiles: In a bucket, mix soap-nut concentrate, or Castile soap or some pure soap flakes, and optionally a few drops of essential oils of tea-tree and/or lemon or lavender. Top up with hot water.
Wooden Floor Detergent: In a bucket, mix soap nut concentrate, soap flakes or Castile soap together with half a cup of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of cinnamon and/or wild orange essential oil, and top up with hot water.
Multi-purpose Spray for surfaces: Add one-quarter volume of white vinegar to three-quarters of the volume of water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil of tea-tree and/or lemon and/or wild orange.
Wood Polish: Mix a quarter of a cup of olive oil with a quarter of a cup of vinegar plus 10 drops of your favourite essential oil. Try lemon, orange or lavender.
Dishwashing: 2 cups of liquid Castile soap or soap nut concentrate, 20 drops lime essential oil, 10 drops lemon essential oil or your own favourite.
Replace plastic toothbrush with bamboo toothbrushes that have natural bristles. They can be sterilised periodically for extended use.
Using Essential Oils for Cleaning & Personal Care
Lemon, tea-tree or peppermint essential oils are ideal to be added to a cleaning spray, like using essential oil of lavender to a fabric spray, or rose essential oil in a face mask. Integrating essential oils into a daily routine can make a huge difference in your usage and money spent on shop-bought cleaning and personal care products.
The initial cost of essential oils may seem exorbitant, but when you think how much money you will save on cleaning products and personal care products and how "going green" can be so much kinder to your health, then it is a no-brainer.
Furthermore using essential oils in your daily products has indirect therapeutic effects on the body that are non-toxic and stimulating.
DIY Recipes for personal care
Dry Shampoo
This is such an easy product to make. Just thoroughly mix a few drops of your choice of essential oil into half a cup of arrowroot powder. My personal favourites are citrusy and floral notes, like lemon, wild orange, lavender and rose.
The powder can be tinted with organic cocoa and/or nutmeg powder and then it is multi-purposed as it can be used as loose face-powder.
Tooth-powder or paste
Tooth-powder is very simply made by blending a few drops of essential oil of peppermint or tea-tree into food-grade clay powder. To use, the tooth-brush is moistened and dipped in the powder and used as normal to brush the teeth.
You can also make tooth-paste by blending food-grade powdered clay or bicarbonate of soda with coconut oil and your preferred essential oil. This can be stored in a small jar. Coconut oil has the added advantage of antibacterial properties.
Reasons to make your own toothpaste
An advantage of not using bought tooth-paste (apart from the money saved) is that the majority contain additives such as -
Fluoride- is connected to strengthening teeth (but definitely not in this form, studies have shown). Fluoride may, however, inhibit thyroid function by blocking the points where the essential amounts of iodine can access the thyroid for correct thyroid activity.
Triclosan- designed to fight plaque and gingivitis but is a disruptor of hormones.
Sodium lauryl sulphate- for its foaming action. It is linked to skin irritation and painful canker sores.
Aspartame- Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is metabolized inside your body into both wood alcohol (a poison) and formaldehyde. It's been linked to birth defects, cancers, brain tumours and weight gain.
Preservatives- including DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl, polyoxymethylene urea, quaternium 15, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (bromopol), 5-bromo-5-nitro1,3 dioxane (bronidox), methenamine, glyoxal. parabens. These all have unhealthy effects so numerous I will not start to list them!
Carageenan- According to a report, food-grade carrageenan is associated with intestinal inflammation that can lead to cancer, even in small doses. Two decades' worth of independent research has also linked it to:
Increased free radical formation
Inflammation (a precursor to cancer)
Disrupted insulin metabolism
Insulin resistance
Glucose intolerance
Propylene glycolis also used in antifreeze and paints. Studies have linked propylene glycol to skin, eye and lung irritation, as well as organ system toxicity.
DEA (Di-ethanolamine)- a foaming agent but also a hormone disruptor.
Micro-beads- which get trapped between teeth and under the gums. This makes a gap for food debris to enter and cause tooth decay.
GMOs like citric acid, citrates, xanthum gum, xylitol and sorbitol
Glycerine- Although glycerine is not toxic, when applied to the surface of teeth it is thought to leave a residue that is hard to remove. You might have to rinse your mouth two to three dozen times to be able to remove it.
It is thought that the microfilm layer, that glycerine forms, prevents the absorption of the essential minerals, calcium and phosphorus, that should occur normally in the remineralisation process. This could accelerate tooth decay and other dental problems.
There are so many beautiful recipes for personal care and once you have your basic ingredients I feel sure you will get hooked on making your own personalised cosmetics and cleaning products. You can tweak your aromas to suit your personal taste.
Your future health and well-being and that of your family, but also the Earth, will thank you for it.