What is Functional Medicine about?

20/03/2019 12:00

Functional Medicine is totally different to conventional medicine in that we look at the whole person altogether whereas conventional medicine sends you to different departments and specialists for different parts of you! The liaison between departments is often lacking.

The other main difference is that we do not put on a bandaid/sticking plaster, we actually look for the root cause/s of the health issue and design a program to help the body to get back to the optimum wellness and balance,  as far as is possible, where it strives to be.

If you are walking on a gravel path in your sandals and you get some gravel in your sandals, do you think to yourself that you should have put thick socks on to pad them against the gravel and wish you had some pain-killers to take against the pain?

No, I think not. You would take off the offending sandal and remove the gravel.

Well, I hope this illustrates how we, as health coaches in functional medicine, do things.

  • We find the root cause
  • We look at all the health issues together
  • We put things right
  • We do not cover up
  • We help the body
  • The body does its own healing

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